Is There Any Value Meeting With A Career Coach?

In an era of self-sufficiency among young people and professionals it is not unusual to express independence through social media, education and career choices when advice and support are truly needed.

Here are 10 reasons why you may need a career coach!

  1. To assist you in identifying your value as a professional.

One of the most common problems with job seekers is their ability to capture their value as a professional and believe it. If you don’t believe it yourself you will never communicate it well in your words or attitude when connecting with people in person or on paper. When the value is truly identified, then the voice and tone of the candidate changes and an impact is made on the listener. It does not take long to identify this value when it is clearly owned by an individual. It is equally clear when it is not present.

  1. To help you determine your career path and next career objective.

Deciding what to do next when there are many options ahead warrants a discussion with a coach that will do more than just accept your ideas without requiring the proofs needed to back them up. Anyone can take another course or degree and set their sights on a new career path. A career coach will challenge your education choice, the financial expenditure, the viability of the career objective and the reality of you obtaining your goal within your proposed timeline.

  1. To build confidence in your relevant skills, accomplishments and employment history.

The specifics of which of the many skills a job seeker has that should be identified and demonstrated are often missed. A couple of quick questions to a job seeker usually proves this quickly. “Can you tell me your top five skills in relation to the job you will have next?” “Where did you prove this in your work experience?” A discussion around these skills and accomplishments often brings out the information which can then be formulated into effective communication.

  1. To confirm your professional brand and self-marketing techniques.

Many job seekers do not do this well. From the listener’s perspective it seems unfocused, unsure and simply not employment-ready. When the message is solid through quality introductions, good back up stories and a consistency in “connecting the dots” between the past and the future, the brand becomes attractive and the marketing results in invitations to meet and offers for employment.

  1. To reveal your career and job search blind spots to expand your perspective.

There are many blind spots in the labour market. Robust sectors, areas in the market that are struggling, relevance of education or lack of, job search strategies statistics for both success and failure, impressions being made when networking and/or interviewing, and so much more. Most people need someone to point these things out and address them with support.

  1. To communicate a balanced job search process including traditional and proactive activities.

Often job seekers use the pathway of least resistance when looking for work. You know, sitting in from of the computer sending out scads of resumes and cover letters. This does not often provide success. A coach will help job seekers identify multiple ways of connecting with people in their fields, identifying opportunities and looking for work successfully.

  1. To help you create and initiate a career action plan.

Having your plans on paper (or in written form) is worth more than many realize. If these are written down they are more difficult to ignore and disregard as unimportant. The steps needed then become tangible “stepping stones” to obtaining the goal. Having someone reviewing and agreeing with you in your goal setting and timeline gives confidence to turn the plan into a real action plan.

  1. To keep you motivated and accountable.

It is always easier to accomplish things when we have a deadline approaching. We are even more apt to reach our goals when someone is expecting a discussion about reaching, or not reaching, the goals. Making commitments to a career coach and having someone question you on your progress serves as a great motivator to bring success to each step, leading to the ultimate employment goal.

  1. To review your progress and to recommend supportive action.

There are many activities that require associated actions to support any progress being made during a job search. A timely email, a quick phone call, asking the right questions during an interview and strategic follow up all will contribute to the over-all success of the efforts being made. Career coaches can identify these actions when reviewing progress and specific job search activities. Using a personal progress chart is both effective and meaningful when job searching. One action often necessitates another action.

  1. To provide a non-biased opinion in a safe environment.

You need an honest opinion concerning your direction, plans and career objective. Career coaches will not “sugar coat” an idea to make it more pleasing. Candid, honest and assertive communication are the kinds of conversations that are needed for career success. Career Coaches are a safe place to discuss personal nuances and sometimes, even the tough stuff. Honesty is the best policy!

There are many other reasons that could potentially elevate the need for a Career Coach. Thankfully, you have one at the ready. Russell (that’s me) is at your service! Your student fees have made him available to you. The sooner in the process you connect with your Career Coach the better your chances of success.

Good Luck,


Russell Garrett is the Owner of Protocol Business Solutions, a Certified Career Consultant and the DAP Career Coach. Russell will be delivering the “Getting Your Accounting Career On Track” Workshop for DAP students November 15th from 4:15-6:15 pm at HA435 (be sure to register through COOL). For in-person appointments when available book a spot through COOL and for online appointments contact Russell at

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