Tag Archives: recruit

A 2020 View

We often use the saying that seeing things with “20-20” vision is seeing clearly in relation to things that are coming or what we are currently experiencing. So is your vision of this New Year clear? Has the fog lifted yet on where your life and career will take you following your DAP experience? With many of you completing the program during 2020-2021, it is important that you see your future clearly, by following some common Canadian idioms like; “keep your head up”, “keep your eyes wide open”, “keep your ear to the ground” and “put your finger in the air” to be aware of what is happening around you and to react strategically to bring success to your career future! Imagining doing all these things at once physically seems awkward (try it) you are fully able to do this mentally and strategically when it comes to generating success in 2020.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

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You Asked, We Answered: UBC DAP Internship FAQ



We are thrilled with the positive response we’ve received to-date from UBC DAP students regarding the UBC DAP pilot internship program!

To address a number of questions we’ve received since posting the internship positions last Friday, please review the following FAQs to help you on your journey to securing an internship position.

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Introducing the UBC DAP Internship Pilot Program!


UBC DAP is pleased to announce an exciting pilot project aimed at providing qualified UBC DAP students the opportunity to earn entry-level accounting work experience before completing the diploma program.

We approached a small group of employers in industry and public practice who are thrilled at the opportunity to work with UBC DAP students during the internship placement period of Tuesday, July 3 – Friday, August 24, 2018. The internship position details (weekly hours, compensation if applicable, etc.) will be posted with each job description on Wednesday, March 28th. One size doesn’t fit all, so we’ve encouraged each employer to craft positions that will work for them and their successful DAP candidate(s). Continue reading