Tag Archives: workshops

Reminder – Register for June 15th CPA Recruit Networking Workshop and Alumni Mixer

Just as a reminder, we’ll be holding our CPA Networking Workshop on June 15th, the second in a series of CPA Recruit workshops that will be held throughout the Summer.

As a CPA Applicant you have the opportunity to attend networking events hosted by the Accounting Clubs, firms and CPABC.   We will discuss how to prepare, ask great questions and clearly brand yourself to ensure they remember you (in a good way!).

This workshop will be followed by the Alumni Mixer, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet with Sauder Alums who have gone through this process in past years, practice your networking skills and make valuable contacts moving forward.

Registration for this workshop and the Alumni Mixer will be open on COOL until June 13th (separate registration required for the workshop and Alumni Mixer)


CPA Recruit Workshop Series – Starting May 11th

Planning to apply for approved path positions through CPA recruit this year? Join us for a series of workshops, jointly facilitated by DAP Career Coach, Russell Garrett and the Sauder Business Career Centre (BCC) that will be held throughout the Summer to help you prepare for every step of the process. The workshop schedule will be as follows (all workshops will be held from 4:30 pm to 6:15 pm):

  • May 11th – CPA Recruit Overview and Best Practices
  • June 15th – Networking Refresher, followed by an Alumni Mixer (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
  • July 27th – Application Prep
  • August 24th – Interviewing Refresher

Registration for all of these workshops is now open on COOL.